Harvest, letteralmente raccolto o mietitura, un album discografico del cantautore canadese Neil Young pubblicato nel 1972 dall'etichetta Reprise Records (n. La rivista Rolling Stone ha inserito Harvest al 78 posto della sua lista dei 500 migliori album di tutti i tempi. L'album ha venduto oltre otto milioni di copie in tutto il mondo. An unofficial news blog for Neil Young fans from Thrasher's Wheat with concert and album updates, reviews, analysis, and other Rock Roll ramblings. Complete your Neil Young record collection. Discover Neil Young's full discography. Shop new and used Vinyl and CDs. Release Time Fades Away Neil Young's lyrics have always been deceptively simple yet intricately complex. It is this simple complexity which make Young's lyrics so intriguing. EVERYBODY KNOWS THIS IS NOWHERE. Year Of Release: 1969 Record rating 9 Overall rating 11 Should have been called The Best And Worst Of Neil Young instead. Having apparently exorcised his demons by releasing the cathartic Tonight's the Night, Neil Young returned to his commercial strengths with Zuma (named after Zuma Beach in Los Angeles, where he now owned a house). Seven of the album's nine songs were recorded with the reunited Crazy Horse, in which rhythm guitarist Frank Sampedro had replaced the late Danny Whitten, but there were also. An unofficial news blog for Neil Young fans from Thrasher's Wheat with concert and album updates, reviews, analysis, and other Rock Roll ramblings. Neil Percival Young OC OM (born November 12, 1945), is a Canadian singersongwriter and musician. After embarking on a music career in the 1960s, he moved to Los Angeles, where he formed Buffalo Springfield with Stephen Stills, Richie Furay and others. Young had released two solo albums and three as a member of Buffalo Springfield by the time he joined Crosby, Stills Nash in 1969. Harvest is the fourth studio album by Canadian musician Neil Young, released on February 1, 1972, on Reprise Records, catalogue MS 2032. It featured the London Symphony Orchestra on two tracks and vocals by noted guests David Crosby, Graham Nash, Linda Ronstadt, Stephen Stills, and James Taylor. It topped the Billboard 200 album chart for two weeks, and spawned two hit singles, Old. Neil Percival Young (Toronto, 12 november 1945) is een Canadees zijn solowerk met onder andere Crazy Horse is hij ook bekend van Buffalo Springfield en Crosby, Stills, Nash Young. Hij bracht tot nu toe 37 studioalbums uit. Het succesvolst was zijn album Harvest uit 1972. This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. 23 Responses to NEIL YOUNG PARIS 1976 Hi, a real big thank tou for posting it free As long as therell be music lovers. so you get the call to be in the band of your dreams and in the 6th gig you are so full of yourself that you. Neil Percival Young, OC, OM ( 12. November 1945 in Toronto, Ontario) ist ein kanadischer Musiker und Karriere begann 1966 mit der Band Buffalo Springfield, und seine Musik umfasst zahlreiche Genres wie beispielsweise Rock, Countryund Folkmusik. Er gilt als Godfather of Grunge und tritt mit der Band Crazy Horse, aber auch als Soloknstler und mit vielen anderen. Neil Percival Young (Toronto, Ontario, 12 de noviembre de 1945) [1 es un msico y compositor canadiense, considerado ampliamente como uno de los ms influyentes de su generacin. [7 [8 Comenz su carrera musical en Canad en 1960 con grupos como The Squires y The Mynah Birds, antes de trasladarse en 1966 a California para fundar Buffalo Springfield con Stephen Stills y Richie. Neil est le fils du journaliste et nouvelliste canadien Scott Young [1, [2. Les dbuts: Buffalo Springfield. Au tout dbut de sa carrire, Neil Young, vit Winnipeg, Canada, et joue dans The Squires avec un succs trs relatif. Il a plus tard jou en solo au Canada. Find Neil Young discography, albums and singles on AllMusic THE NEIL YOUNG PDF SONGBOOK PROJECT VERSION DATE 1 WELCOME TO THE NEIL YOUNG PDF SONGBOOK PROJECT This document is a compilation of songs submitted by Rusties and other Neilfans. Neil Percival Young (Toronto, 12 novembre 1945) un cantautore e chitarrista canadese. Dopo aver debuttato giovanissimo con la storica formazione dei Buffalo Springfield e aver raggiunto il successo nel supergruppo Crosby, Stills, Nash Young, Neil si imposto come uno dei pi carismatici e influenti cantautori degli anni settanta, contribuendo a ridefinire la figura del songwriter con. listopadu 1945 Toronto, Ontario) je kanadsk zpvk, psnik, hudebnk a filmov reisr. Youngovo dlo je typick hluboce osobnmi texty, charakteristickm stylem hry na kytaru a pznanm nosovm zpvem (). Sm se doprovz na nkolik rznch nstroj (vetn piana a harmoniky), jeho styl hry na akustickou kytaru a ast. Neil Young's first offering, simply titled, Neil Young is a nice opening act to his solo career. Released the same year as his departure from Buffalo Springfield, it lays the foundation for subsequent releases in the genre of folk rock, such as Harvest, After the Gold Rush, etc..